- 5 terenuri de tenis pe zgura
- 1 teren de tenis de picior pe gazon artificial
- 4 terenuri de mini-fotbal (sau 1 teren de fotbal omologat pentru Liga a IV-a ) cu gazon artificial
- vestiare cu dusuri
- magazin si terasa
- parcare
Telefon: 0737 337 037
E-mail: dezvoltaresud@gmail.com
Daca ai deja cont, poti sa te autentifici pentru a comenta mai simplu!
sherine rashes
07.07.2017, 04:02
Sir My name is Sherine Rashed from Egypt, my son is 14 years, he is a pro tennis player, we are in vacation in Bucharest, stay at top rooms apartments sector 4 for 7 days, am asking if my son can join for private lesson for one hour morning per day coz we have tournament once we back home, I need to know the cost, availability and if he can use racket from your stuff as we didn't bring his own . Waiting for your feedback as soon ( we will be there from 11 to 19 July ) Thx Sherine Rashed